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Chailey Parish Council meeting with East Sussex Highways – 19th February 2024

The Council met with Highways in February.  Evidently, and following many complaints, we discussed potholes.  Telephone reports may be made on 0345 6080193 or, for preference, through the website Welcome to East Sussex Highways Highways requested that residents identify clearly the location of the pothole along the road. 

We discussed in particular the A275 in South Chailey but were disappointed to learn that this road is slated for full repair only in 2025/26;  however, we were encouraged to report the two drain covers currently lifting.  The bridge at Goldbridge is unlikely to be fully repaired before the end of this year.  The design for amber-warning lights on the approach to Mill Lane should be completed before Easter, and the gully along the A275 and into Warrs Hill is to be cleared.

Since our meeting the Council has commented on the East Sussex draft Local Transport Plan to the effect that it broadly ignores traffic along the Northern East-West route (A272) – travelling to employment in mid-Sussex and to the Princess Royal, a problem also reflected in the zoning of the recent Flexibus.

Finally, we requested Highways review the pavements and lack of a crossing facility along the A272 opposite Chailey Heritage.