Please visit this section to find out more about what is in the Parish Council’s remit as a local council. Here, you will find a list of responsibilities as listed on the website. You can also find out how to contact the Parish Council if you have any enquiries.
Councils of a certain size must publish their financial documents and be transparent with their financial documents; as stated in the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. Please see relevant documents here.
Welcome to Chailey Community
This community website provides details of news and events within Chailey and information on a wide range of topics including clubs and societies, local history, local council services, consultations, outdoor recreation and tourist attractions within and near to the parish of Chailey.
What’s Happening
Upcoming Meetings
Chailey Parish Council currently meets at The Reading Room at 7:30pm.
Next meeting: Full Council - Tuesday 18Coronavirus information and help
Coronavirus restrictions were lifted by the Government on July 19th 2021. However, it is still absolutely essential that we all remain conscious of our actions, to keep us all safe.
Chailey Allotments
Chailey Allotments There will be a few plots becoming available at the Allotments in North Chailey – if anyone is interested in […]
Vacancy for a Parish Councillor
PARISH OF CHAILEY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, that due to […]
Footway works, South Street, South Chailey 24th – 25th February
Highways have advised that there will be upcoming works to clear vegetation from footway on South Street, South Chailey. Works […]
Community Gallery
View photos of the local area and our community here!