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Chailey Repair Cafe -Press Release 2024


As we get ready for our final Repair Café of 2024 on 14th December, we are looking forward to our 7th year of repairing your broken stuff. Incredibly, we attempted well over 1000 repairs this year and over 6000 items since we first opened our doors in 2018, when we were one of the very first Repair Cafés in Sussex.

We always get a lot of Christmas tree lights coming in at this time of year – if you have the old-style lights with push in bulbs, we may be able to help with spares, but there are many different types, so at worst we can tell you what to look for and where to find them… And of course, our sharpening team will be busy, as always, at Christmas.  We now have two  state-of-the-art sharpening machines to sort out those knives ready for  the turkey!

Our new posters and flyers with all our 2025 dates are now available at the Café; pick some up and spread the word wherever you live!

The success of Chailey Repair Café has been due in great measure to the support we have received from all of you in the local community – if you didn’t have broken stuff, we’d have nothing to do! We have saved  a lot of things  from finding their  way into landfill as well as providing an opportunity for folks to understand more about what makes their household  items  work!

You’ll find us at St Peter’s Church, Chailey on the A275 at Chailey Green on the second Saturday   of each month (i.e. 14th Dec, 11th Jan, 8th Feb and so on) between 1000hrs and 1300hrs where we’ll have a full Café service including our legendary cakes.

If you’d like to contact us, please email us   at  and  we’ll see what we can do to help.

We look forward to seeing you and your broken stuff very soon and wish you all a happy and successful New Year!

Bryan McAlley and the Chailey Repair Café team