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Message from the Chair of Chailey Parish Council

It’s the time of year when the Parish Council update our Asset Register to make sure that all the buildings and other items  we own are still in place and properly maintained. This extends to things as diverse as bus shelters, benches and defibrillators, litter bins and the phone box library, and even the Chairperson’s Chain of Office.

The Clerk, together with our recent Councillor Dr Nick Belcher checks the defibrillators regularly as they need to be fully operational at all times. The Council are responsible for six machines  that are positioned as follows.

New Heritage Way – by the Chapel

North Chailey Dentist Surgery – near Kings Head Crossroads

Free Church – South Chailey

Doctors Surgery – Mill Lane

Village Hall – South Chailey

Reading Room – Chailey Green

In the coming weeks we will be checking all our assets and drawing up a schedule for any necessary maintenance work. Please let us know if you have any concerns about items which you think need some work .

Many of you will have seen the work carried out recently on one of our larger assets, the Windmill, which suffered damage in a storm last Autumn.

A number of blades needed replacing and we were lucky to obtain the services of Paul Kemp who is a well-respected Millwright. He constructed eight new stocks and blades and refitted the assembly . Paul, together with some help from the Friends of the Windmill hoisted all the parts into position, and the new fantail should last for many years to come.

The Windmill and Rural Life museum is open to the public April – September  on the last Sunday of the month in the afternoon .

Cllr Elizabeth Berry

Chair of Chailey Parish Council